Medical Record Forms To Go
Guard Your Health!

Hurry! Purchase your Medical Records 2 Go, LLC and receive FREE our emergency items to take with you, adult and child vaccination records and pet health record forms!

Perfect to have on hand for your babysitter, children, students, parents or other house guests and perfect for traveling.

It is a good reminder, preparing for disasters is essential.

A must-have for evacuation situations!

Fill your car with fuel and any other essentials, grab available cash on hand or from your bank, and your Medical Records 2 Go, LLC forms -- Remember to always keep a hard copy of your Medical Records 2 Go, LLC forms with you, since there may be no power, no internet, phone or cell phone access!

Only: $19.95

Click here to Purchase Now:

Be Prepared for EmergenciesThese forms are potential life savers!

During the month of April 2015, for some reason I had decided to go down to the basement. At this point I could not remember why. My wife found me at the bottom of the basement stairs. She immediately called 911. The police and ambulance came and I was taken to the hospital trauma unit. I awoke in the hospital with my head bandaged. When they removed the bandage I was informed I had a broken neck, broken eye socket, a broken hand and also a concussion.

My wife had left her cell phone home, but had taken the Medical Records 2 Go LLC form, which was given to the ambulance attendant and to the emergency room physician and staff.

The emergency room physician came to talk to my wife and inquired as to where she obtained the medical record (Medical Records 2 Go, LLC.) form? And informed her that the Medical Records 2 Go, LLC. form saved my life!!

As a physician who treats many people daily, I have to say that this form from Medical Records 2 Go, LLC. is one of the best things my patients can have on hand.

With many of my patients seeing other specialists, it can put patients ahead of the game by having all their information organized in one place. There is less of a chance of prescribing medications that could be potentially harmful if mixed.

I would highly recommend that everyone takes the time to get one of these forms, complete it to have on hand. It's your own personal medical record file that stays with you where ever you go!

I can also imagine that in cases of emergency, having this form on hand - can potentially save your life.

ER. Physician

Medical Record Forms To Go
Guard Your Health!

Hurry! Purchase your Medical Records 2 Go, LLC and receive FREE our emergency items to take with you, adult and child vaccination records and pet health record forms!

Perfect to have on hand for your babysitter, children, students, parents or other house guests and perfect for traveling.

It is a good reminder, preparing for disasters is essential.

A must-have for evacuation situations!

Fill your car with fuel and any other essentials, grab available cash on hand or from your bank, and your Medical Records 2 Go, LLC forms -- Remember to always keep a hard copy of your Medical Records 2 Go, LLC forms with you, since there may be no power, no internet, phone or cell phone access!

Only: $19.95

Click here to Purchase Now: